Tasić: Serbia is a credible partner of the UN and all member states

20. May 2021.
Acting Assistant Minister for Multilateral Cooperation, Aleksandar Tasić, participated in the conference "Belgrade International Model United Nations – BIMUN 2021" where he spoke about the role and importance of the United Nations and said that Serbia stands for more efficient multilateralism where this organization should play a leading role.

Tasić underlined that our country will continue to be a credible partner of the UN and all member states on all issues of interest to the international community.

"The priorities of the Republic of Serbia in the UN are well known and consistent. Our key priority remains the protection of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia, where the United Nations play a key role", Tasić said, emphasizing that he primarily had the UN Security Council Resolution 1244 in mind, the need for continuous consideration of the situation in Kosovo and Metohija in the UN Security Council, the importance of the role of UNMIK and the need to continue this Mission's commitment.

Tasić said that the topic of this year's conference is multilateralism and international cooperation, which is more than popular and in the focus of all UN members, given that there has been a lot of talk in recent years about the crisis of multilateralism where the United Nations have often been criticized for the impression that they serve more as a forum for balancing forces and demonstrating differences.

 "While respecting the national interests and priorities of individual states, and in order to build effective multilateralism, we should work to make the United Nations as much as possible a platform for universal consensus on key issues that affect us all equally", Tasić said, adding that the corona virus pandemic is an example of how such a complex problem can be overcome through joint action, solidarity, cooperation and universal consensus.

Tasić also said that Serbia would continue to undertake intensive activities at the national level in the direction of implementing the Sustainable Development Goals, emphasizing Serbia's commitment to preserving peace and security at the international level, noting the significant engagement in numerous UN peacekeeping operations in crisis hotspots.