Dačić with the Cuban Minister of Foreign Affairs

21. Jun 2023.
First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dačić met today with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cuba Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla who is in Belgrade as part of the official visit by the President of the Republic of Cuba Miguel Mario Díaz-Canel y Bermúdez to Serbia.

The two officials exchanged opinions on the improvement of bilateral relations and cooperation in numerous areas.

First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Dačić said that it was a great honour to host the Cuban delegation, noting that it was a historic visit in a long tradition of our bilateral relations, especially considering that this was the first visit by a Cuban president to Belgrade after almost four decades.

Both sides expressed interest in the strengthening of economic and business cooperation, especially since the existing cooperation is not marked by high level of political relations between the two countries. The two colleagues agreed that there was great potential in specific areas such as agriculture, health, defence, information technology and education.

Head of Serbian diplomacy underlined that Serbia supported the efforts of the Republic of Cuba to seek modalities in multilateral frameworks to overcome the situation related to the economic, financial and trade embargo imposed by the United States of America, and that it did understand all too well the difficulties the Republic of Cuba is facing.

Head of Serbian diplomacy Dačić used this opportunity to once again express gratitude for the principled position of the Republic of Cuba not to recognise the unilaterally declared independence of the so-called Kosovo, thereby confirming adherence to the basic principles of international law.