Political relations Diplomatic relations with the Principality of Liechtenstein were established on 4 April 2003.Liechtenstein is covered by the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Bern, while the interests of Liechtenstein in Serbia are represented by the Swiss Embassy in Belgrade. Serbia's bilateral relations with Liechtenstein are good, but of lesser intensity.Significant space for the improvement of bilateral relations exists in the field of economy, education and culture. The Prime Minister of Serbia A. Brnabić and the Prime Minister of Liechtenstein A. Hasler met on the side-lines of the 50th session of the World Economic Forum in Davos (20 – 24 January 2020).
Economic relations Trade relations between Serbia and Liechtenstein are regulated by the Free Trade Agreement between Serbia and the EFTA countries, which entered into force at the end of 2011.The free trade zone was formed in 2014. For now, only the Hilti company, which sells machine tools, has its representative office in Belgrade. In the period January – November 2020, the value of exports from Serbia to Liechtenstein amounted to 5.4 million euros, and the value of imports 890 thousand euros.During the first quarter of 2020, the inflow based on investments from Liechtenstein amounted to 0.26 million euros.According to preliminary data from the National Bank of Serbia, at the end of 2019, foreign investments in Serbia from Liechtenstein amounted to 4.49 million euros.At the end of 2018, the balance of foreign direct investments from Liechtenstein to Serbia amounted to 106.91 million euros.
Bilateral agreements The Republic of Serbia has not signed any bilateral agreement with the Principality of Liechtenstein.
Contact information Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Bern (Switzerland):http://www.berne.mfa.gov.rs/ Embassy of Switzerland in Belgrade:http://www.eda.admin.ch/belgrade. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia: Department ofEurope (DE); tel. 00 381 (0)113068326/8247; e-mail: oev@mfa.rs.

Official name
Form of government
Constitutional monarchy
Date of establishment of bilateral relations
4 April 2003