Starović with students from the French Institute for National Defence

26. May 2021.
Today, State Secretary Nemanja Starović received a delegation from the French Institute of Advanced Studies in National Defence and on that occasion, introduced them to the foreign policy priorities of our country.

Starović informed those present about the course of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Serbia's relations with the EU and NATO, and the European integration process. He also referred to the protection of cultural heritage in Kosovo and Metohija, reminding that since the arrival of UNMIK, more than 150 churches and monasteries in Kosovo and Metohija have been destroyed or desecrated, and pointed out the particularly difficult position of Visoki Decani Monastery, which is under UNESCO protection.

The Secretary of State also referred to the traditional French-Serbian friendship and reminded of the days of the joint struggle for freedom during the First World War.

He also pointed out the sincere and friendly relations between President Vučić and Macron, recalling the visit of President Macron to Belgrade two years ago, which greatly contributed to the excellent cooperation between the two countries.

Speaking about economic relations, Starović pointed out large French investments in Serbia, such as the investment in the "Nikola Tesla" Airport and the future project for the construction of the Belgrade metro.

Starović informed the students of the Institute about the efforts that Serbia is making in the fight against the corona virus, and especially emphasized the assistance that our country has provided to countries in the region, by donating 135,000 doses of vaccine.