Selaković: Exceptional cooperation between Belgrade and Ljubljana

26. May 2021.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, Nikola Selaković, met today in Ljubljana with the Mayor of that city, Zoran Janković, and on that occasion pointed out that the cooperation between Belgrade and Ljubljana is exceptional and that it surely has a bright future.

"We can always do more and we can always do a lot better", said Selaković, who made a proposal for the mutual opening of cultural centers, because that can only bring the two nations closer.

Selaković mentioned that Ljubljana had served as a model for Belgrade for the previous two decades, but that Janković paid tribute to everything that President Vučić did with the "Belgrade Waterfront" project.

"Janković said that he never met the former Prime Minister, today the President of the state, who helped the development of the capital so much, as it usually causes a kind of resentment from all other cities, but President Vučić said back then – Belgrade will be the engine of Serbia's development and it has really become that", stated the Minister, who was on an official visit to Slovenia.

Convinced that one day, as an EU member, Belgrade and Serbia will have a close associate in Ljubljana, Selaković pointed out that hard work is being done, and that we are waiting for that moment and continuing to deepen cooperation.

The mayor of Ljubljana, Zoran Janković, said that there are no problems between Slovenia and Serbia, Belgrade and Ljubljana, in the economic, sports or cultural fields, and that he was especially pleased with the good understanding that exists between the two capitals.

"To that end, in July, Presidents Vučić and Pahor will sign a friendship agreement, which will raise cooperation to an even higher level", said Janković.

He added that the cooperation between the capitals of the two countries is at an extremely high level, and that he is proud that Ljubljana is the second brotherly city with Belgrade. "There are no secrets between us, there are no open questions, the phones are open in both directions, so we can be an example to, I would say, the whole of Europe in terms of cooperation", Janković emphasized.

The mayor of Ljubljana stated that he wants to welcome Serbia’s entry into the EU as soon as possible and that it is normal not to talk about borders at all, since, as he assessed, they are unnecessary.

“I am especially looking forward to the cultural exchange between Belgrade and Ljubljana, we will stand behind it. I congratulate Belgrade on its development, I congratulate Serbia on its terribly fast growth and especially on the number of different vaccines that were available, before other countries in Europe received them", Janković concluded.