Minister Dacic meets with a number of foreign ministers on the second day in New York

19. Sep 2023.
On the sidelines of the General Debate of the 78th Session of the UN General Assembly, First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic held bilateral meetings with the heads of diplomacy of Argentina, Saint Lucia, Saudi Arabia, Rwanda, Antigua and Barbuda, Republic of Kiribati, Botswana, the Philippines and Senegal.

In addition to the bilateral meetings, Dacic also had the opportunity, on the fringes of the global event in New York, to hold short meetings and talks with the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell, President of Cyprus Nikos Christodoulides, President of Croatia Zoran Milanovic and Secretary General of the Council of Europe Marija Pejcinovic Buric.

In a meeting with Argentina’s Foreign Minister Santiago Cafiero, it was noted that bilateral political relations between the two countries were on an extremely high level.

Minister Dacic underlined that Serbia was committed to further strengthening political dialogue at all levels, based on the traditionally friendly and close ties with the Argentine Republic.

The interlocutors noted the significance of respect of international law and the principle of sovereignty and territorial integrity, which the two countries both advocate.

At the meeting with Minister of Foreign Affairs of Saint Lucia Alva Romanus Baptiste, the willingness to further strengthen bilateral cooperation was highlighted in friendly talks, both on the political level and in other areas, such as agriculture, education, exchange of scientific and technological achievements and practices. The importance of promoting economic ties, through the creation of appropriate frameworks and conditions for strengthening the cooperation of business communities, was particularly underlined, which would contribute to overcoming the consequences of the economic crisis.

In the meeting with Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kiribati Taneti Maamau, the ministers agreed that it was necessary to work on improving bilateral cooperation, as well as deepening cooperation in all areas, including within international organizations.

In the conversation with the Foreign Minister of Senegal Aïssata Tall Sall it was agreed that the good relations and long-standing friendship between the countries dated back to the era of the former Yugoslavia, in particular, the era of the establishment of the Non-Aligned Movement. The collocutors noted that, besides excellent bilateral relations, there was room for advancement of economic cooperation and expressed mutual interest in stepping up political dialogue and exchanging high- and top-level visits.

At the meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Antigua and Barbuda Everly Paul Chet Greene it was agreed that bilateral visits be carried out in the near future, and that opportunities for promoting cooperation in a number of areas, including agriculture, tourism, education, science and youth, would be considered then.

During the meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Rwanda Vincent Biruta, views were exchanged on topics of importance to both countries, which have maintained traditionally friendly ties since the establishment of their diplomatic relations in 1971. They underlined firm commitment to further deepening and intensifying the political dialogue, through the exchange of visits at the high and top levels. The willingness to promote economic cooperation, as well as cooperation in the fields of agriculture, information technology, education and scholarships, was also expressed.

They agreed that respect for international law and the principles enshrined in the UN Charter was a priority for both countries, and Minister Dacic reiterated his gratitude to Rwanda for supporting the preservation of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia.

In the conversation with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Saudi Arabia Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud the readiness of both sides was expressed for the development of cooperation in all areas where opportunities and mutual interest existed. The ministers agreed that there was great potential for advancement of economic cooperation. It was pointed out that the intensification of the political dialogue, through visits at the high and top levels, contributed to better ties and understanding on issues of importance for the two countries at the bilateral and multilateral levels.

At the meeting with the Foreign Minister of Botswana Lemogang Kwape it was emphasized that bilateral relations between the two countries were characterized by a decades-old friendship. Mutual interest in carrying out high-level visits was expressed. The ministers noted that there was significant room for strengthening economic relations, primarily in the fields of agriculture, tourism, ICT and education.

On the sidelines of the general debate of the 78th session of the UN General Assembly, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia Ivica Dacic met with Foreign Minister of the Philippines Enrique Manalo, and on that occasion a Memorandum of Understanding on bilateral political consultations was signed between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Serbia and the Department of Foreign Affairs of the Philippines.

The ministers pointed out the importance of signing the memorandum, which was giving an additional impetus to the strengthening of political dialogue and bilateral cooperation, and agreed on the realization of bilateral visits in the near future.