Minister Dacic attends the unveiling of postage stamp issue titled "Nikola Tesla and Mihajlo Pupin - our geniuses"

28. Jul 2023.
First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Ivica Dacic attended the presentation of commemorative postage stamps titled "Nikola Tesla and Mihajlo Pupin - our geniuses" at the PTT museum.

The postage stamps, which were released to commemorate the centenary of the first publication of the Pulitzer Prize-winning autobiography "From Immigrant to Scientist" by Mihajlo Pupin, and 125 years since Tesla's first public demonstration of remote control via radio waves, were unveiled by the Post of Serbia and the Embassy of the United States of America in Belgrade.

At the event organized on this occasion, Minister Dacic addressed the attendees, upon which the Acting Director of the Post of Serbia Zoran Djordjevic formally presented him with commemorative stamps bearing the images of the two scientists.

Full address by Minister Dacic reads as follows:

„Dear Mr. Djordjevic,

Esteemed Ambassador Hill,

Ladies and gentlemen,

It is my pleasure to address you on the occasion of the issuance of commemorative postage stamps "Nikola Tesla and Mihajlo Pupin - our geniuses". I would like to thank, first of all, the Post of Serbia and all who were part of this project, for paying due attention to important anniversaries from our rich history.

I am especially glad about the fact that we are unveiling this issue today, on the day when the Serbian flag was flown over the White House in 1918. On that day, which holds a special place in the memory the Serbian and American public, a tribute was paid to the Serbian people whose heroic deeds had touched even the President of the United States at the time, Woodrow Wilson, a close friend of Mihajlo Pupin.

Our two countries and our 142-year-long journey together make it incumbent upon us to work with each other. It is our obligation to continue to promote relations based on shared values and build a partnership in the spirit of mutual trust and respect. During the two world wars, the United States of America and Serbia were allies.

With the conviction that wars must not be repeated, our country wholeheartedly advocates for the achievement of regional peace and stability and makes efforts to become part of a united, democratic Europe.

We greatly appreciate the support that America has lent so far to our efforts to achieve these goals and I sincerely hope that it will continue to do so in the future.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Only the brave and persistent, those who believe in themselves and their idea, are able to travel the long way from dreams to reality.

The great scientists Nikola Tesla and Mihajlo Pupin began their life journeys in these areas. These men of humble origin but great talent, had a true faith in science and an unwavering vision of the progress of humanity. The path further led them to the United States of America where they realized their full scientific potential. They will forever be symbols of our partnership.

In his scientific work, Mihajlo Pupin made an outstanding contribution to the development of telegraphy and telephony, and he was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for his autobiography "From Immigrant to Scientist".  Equally important for Serbia is his social engagement in the context of diplomacy, politics and journalism during and after the Great War, which had a direct influence on the fate of our country at that time.

Nikola Tesla, Pupin's contemporary, whom we remember today on the occasion of 125 years since he first publicly demonstrated remote control via radio waves, is considered by many to be the Prometheus of the 20th century. As an inventor in the fields of electrical engineering, radio engineering and physics, he had more than 700 of his patents and innovations registered, which is why his name was inscribed in the U.S. National Inventors Hall of Fame.

These two geniuses indebted humanity with their commitment to progress, but they particularly indebted both our nations with their ceaseless love for both the people they originated from and the country that gave them the opportunity to reach the pinnacle of world science - then as well as today.

May today's commemoration of two geniuses - Tesla and Pupin, as well as of 28 July 1918, oblige us to continue on the path of cooperation and welfare of our two peoples. Precisely how our illustrious predecessors meant it to be.

Thank you for your attention.“