Tamara Vučić at the EXPO 2027 candidacy presentation

12. Apr 2023.
Belgrade and Serbia presented earlier today in Paris candidacy for the Specialised EXPO 2027 to the delegates of the International Bureau for Exhibitions, and the wife of the President of Serbia, Tamara Vučić, confirmed the clear intention of Serbia to be a candidate for this specialised exhibition.

The aim of the symposium was to present the proposed topic of Serbia: Play for Humanity – Sports and Music for Everyone, in as much detail as possible to the delegates of the Bureau.

“Our cultural experience of the world and life is hospitality. An old saying says: The ideal guest is the one with whom the host feels at home. That’s how we welcome guests, because when we feel good, our guest will be even better off “, said the Serbian First Lady.

Tamara Vučić explained that a host is "a man who has clear views and keeps his word and reputation”; also, she added that Serbia is an open country and that "in the Serbian tradition, every guest is welcome".

“A great actor, the legend of French cinematography, felt exactly that way in our country. Jean-Paul Belmondo said on one occasion: - Nice people, these Serbs. A rare sense of hospitality and a feeling of trust and confidence, qualities possessed only by the ones who know how to be great fiends”, emphasised Tamara Vučić.

The First Lady said that the game often means team, which is why, as she said” the world needs one team, it needs to play”, she pointed out. "In the game of a good player, creativity is crucial", said Tamara Vučić.

“A friendly atmosphere and a feeling of being welcomed somewhere, is the basis for success and development and the basic premise for playing, this, as professionals say, a fundamental biological drive”, emphasised Tamara Vučić. She ended her speech with words of George Bernard Shaw, who said “We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.”

“So let playing be a recipe for the lightness and beauty of youth”, concluded the Serbian First Lady.

Source/Photo: Tanjug