Starović's meeting with the President of Gambia on the improvement of bilateral relations

21. Oct 2022.
State Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Nemanja Starović met with Gambian President Adama Barrow in Banjul today. The meeting was attended by Minister of Foreign Affairs of Gambia Mamadou Tangara, as well as the newly appointed Honorary Consul of the Republic of Serbia in Gambia Omar Faal.

At the meeting, it was noted that the relations between Serbia and Gambia were on an upward trajectory and that there was a lot of room for further improvement, especially in the fields of agriculture, education, science and technological development, as well as youth and sports.

Starović handed the President of Gambia a personal letter from President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić, with an invitation for an official visit to Belgrade in the coming period.

The Consulate of the Republic of Serbia headed by Honorary Consul Omar Faal was opened in the capital of Gambia yesterday and State Secretary Starović met with the Ministers of the Interior, Youth and Sports of Gambia during his visit to Banjul.

The visit to Gambia was also used to hold the first round of bilateral political consultations between the ministries of foreign affairs of Serbia and Gambia.