Starović: The new Serbian embassy in Washington is the true image of our country in the USA

12. Oct 2022.
State Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Nemanja Starović, said that the new Serbian embassy in the USA, located in the centre of Washington, was officially opened.

“Finally, we have a facility on a representative location, owned by Serbia. That will be the true image of our country in Washington," Starović said, talking on Radio Television of Serbia.

Starović said that our embassy in Washington was relocated to a representative building, a kind of a Serbian home in the US capital. He explained that since the breakup of the SFRY, the Serbian embassy in the US was located at rented premises that were decommissioned.

“It was decided at the beginning of the year. Serbia bought a representative building on an attractive location,” Starović said and added that many members of the Serbian diaspora will be proud. He said that it was not easy to say how many members of the Serbian diaspora live in the USA, but certainly no less than 350,000 and even up to a million, according to some estimates.

“It is the largest Serbian diaspora and perhaps the best organized. There are more than 200 different associations of emigrants in the USA, some of which were founded a hundred years ago, and other associations that were founded in recent years,” Starović said and emphasized the great potential of the Serbian diaspora in the USA, among which are very successful and accomplished people.

Regarding yesterday’s talks between President Aleksandar Vučić and Russian Ambassador to Serbia Alexander Bocan Harchenko and US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, Starović said that the conversation with the Russian Ambassador and the US Secretary of State on the same day shows that Serbia is working to develop a political dialogue with the most powerful countries in the world.

“Without dialogue, we cannot protect our vital national interests. When we talk about the desire of the USA to see a quick solution to the issue of Kosovo and Metohija, I am a bit sceptical. In previous years, we have witnessed promises being given lightly regarding speedy solutions, such as that a solution must be reached by the end of 2017 and 2018. We have seen that there is no quick solution. The issue of KiM is a part of a much larger issue”, Starović said, and added that this problem resembles a Gordian knot. He also said that this issue must be approached comprehensively and thoroughly, and that Serbia is ready for it.

“They are becoming aware in Washington that two sides are necessary in order to have a dialogue or reach a compromise, and that Pristina is not ready for a true dialogue. This prevents us from talking about a quick and effective solution. It's important to talk and discussions with the US leadership and Secretary of State Blinken are very valuable,” Starović said.

“Regardless of the form of the Brussels dialogue, it is clear to everyone that no substantive agreement can be reached without the participation of the USA,” Starović said

“The USA, as well as the key EU countries, support the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo and Metohija, but our common ground is the desire to preserve peace and stability. We are on the same page with the USA, and it is Pristina that is trying to thwart those aspirations,” Starović said.

When asked about the European Commission's annual report on Serbia's progress, which will be presented today, Starović stated that he fears that the report will be focused on the desire to force Serbia to join the sanctions imposed by the EU on Russia, and not what Serbia has done in previous years regarding reforms.

He emphasized that while the conclusions of the National Security Council from February of this year are in force, which were adopted by the Government of Serbia, imposing any sanctions on Russia is highly unlikely.