Serbia-Hungary cooperation at a historic high

05. Jun 2024.
In today's meeting, Secretary General Dusan Kozarev and Hungarian Ambassador to Serbia Jozsef Magyar reaffirmed the friendly relations between the two countries and two peoples.

Kozarev and Magyar pointed out that the political relations between Serbia and Hungary were at a historic high, primarily owing to the personal efforts made by President Vucic and Prime Minister Orbán. 

Speaking about the recent meeting between Serbian Foreign Minister Marko Djuric and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary Péter Szijjártó in Budapest, which took place as part of the first official bilateral visit of the Serbian delegation since the appointment of the new Government, Kozarev noted that the topics discussed included the expansion of existing, but also new forms of cooperation.

The Secretary General pointed out that full membership of the EU was Serbia's strategic commitment, and underlined the importance of the role to be played by Hungary during its presidency of the EU Council in recognizing the efforts of our country on that path.

Kozarev also thanked Hungary for voting against the adoption of the proposal for a Resolution on Srebrenica at the UN General Assembly, stressing that Hungary was the only EU member state that voted that way.  

Kozarev and Magyar noted that peace and stability among the countries of the Western Balkans were among the priorities of both Serbia and Hungary, assessing that this was a key prerequisite for the progress and prosperity of the entire region.

The interlocutors reiterated that Serbia and Hungary would remain sincere friends and support each other in all areas of vital interest to both countries, and that they would continue to cooperate directly when it comes to energy security and exercising the rights of both the Serbian and Hungarian national minority in either country.