Selaković: Traditional friendship and large space for cooperation between Serbia and DR Congo

14. Oct 2022.
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, Nikola Selaković, met today with Vice Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Christophe Lutundula Apala.

Addressing journalists after the meeting, Minister Selaković said that this is an opportunity to emphasise once again firm commitment of Serbia to nurturing and strengthening traditionally good and friendly relations with the African countries, among which DR Congo holds a special place for us.

On this occasion, Selaković pointed out again that Serbia supports the unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity of DR Congo, providing unreserved support to efforts  to overcome the current security challenges.

“I would like to use this opportunity to stress once again that Serbia highly appreciates firm support of DR Congo to territorial integrity and sovereignty of our country and complete commitment to generally accepted  principles of public international law, shared by Serbia and DR Congo“, Selaković said.

Serbian Foreign Minister established that bilateral relations between Serbia and DR Congo are extremely good, based on mutual respect and appreciation, and that there is readiness for their further development through exchange of visits at the high and highest levels.

Selaković added that during the talks he expressed readiness for strengthening economic cooperation as well as cooperation in specific fields, such as agriculture, health care, defence, information technologies, education…

According to his words, 25 students from DR Congo will study in Serbia in the coming academic year within the Programme “World in Serbia“.

Minister Selaković emphasised that consent to the need to conclude a comprehensive cooperation agreement, which would as an umbrella agreement enable continuation of deepening cooperation in specific fields, has been reached.

“If there is a fraternal state in Europe, in which you will be always welcome, rest assured that this is Serbia“, Selaković told the guest.

Minister Christophe Lutundula expressed satisfaction with the opportunity to visit Belgrade, birthplace of the Non-Aligned Movement, which is, as he said, the symbol of struggle of oppressed nations against colonialism and neo-colonialism.

Minister Lutundula emphasised that there is an obligation to continue this struggle and to nurture friendship with Serbian people, which was also the reason why the President of DR Congo, after being elected, visited Belgrade.

“Heritage also means the heritage of principles and values, respect for independence, territorial integrity and sovereignty of states by all countries in the world. These are values which are the basis of the international law and the founding of the United Nations. These are our country’s ideals, and when it comes to Serbia, I can assure you on behalf of the President and the Government of DR Congo, that we support territorial integrity and unity of Serbia“, Foreign Minister of DR Congo said.

According to his words, the President and people of DR Congo attach great significance to partnership with Serbia, and hope to continue and strengthen cooperation, inter alia, through the adoption of an agreement which would take into account current needs of the two countries.

Minister Lutundula conveyed the invitation of the President Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo to the Serbian President, Aleksandar Vučić, to visit DR Congo.

“Our job is to be dynamic and propose initiatives to our Governments, businessmen and societies – it is something that should provide positive development in our friendship“, Lutundula concluded.