Selaković: Centuries of friendship and closeness are the foundation of the fraternal relations between Serbia and Russia

24. Jun 2021.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia, Nikola Selaković, participated in the conference "Russia in the Balkans: Looking to the Future" and said on that occasion that centuries-old friendship, strong Orthodox ties and closeness of the two Slavic cultures are a solid foundation of fraternal relations between Serbia and Russia.

Selaković said that it was very important to talk about the history of Serbian-Russian relations, emphasizing that Russia was present in the Balkans as a supporter and protagonist of freedom ideas, as well as that it helped others to fight for their freedom.

Selaković especially mentioned the joint struggle in the First and Second World Wars.

"Our obligation is to preserve the memory of our common pages of history, and it is our obligation and duty to fight against attempts to revise and rewrite history, our anti-fascist past that is a source of our honor and pride. The monument "Eternal Flame" is proof that we will always remember the high price that our ancestors paid to live in freedom", said Selaković.

The Minister also assessed that holding such gatherings has a serious strategic significance, because today we are witnessing very good and stable relations between Serbia and the Russian Federation.

He emphasized that the key contribution to such ties are the excellent personal relations between President Vučić and Putin.

"The fact that the two presidents met and talked five times during 2019 and 2020 is proof", Selaković pointed out.

Minister Selaković especially singled out the strong support and assistance of the Russian Federation in defending our interests in connection with the issue of Kosovo and Metohija.

"The Russian Federation is the strongest support of Serbia in the fight to preserve our territorial integrity and sovereignty. That support is essential for the continuation of our struggle to preserve the values of our state and people", the minister explained.

Selaković also thanked for the fact that Russia is our ally in defense against attempts to stigmatize the entire Serbian people.

"In 2015, the Russian 'net' in the Security Council prevented the stigmatization of Serbs as a genocidal people", Selaković reminded.

The head of Serbian diplomacy also pointed out the solidarity of the two countries and peoples, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, which was reflected in the regular deliveries of the "Sputnik V" vaccine and the transfer of technology for its production in Serbia, thanks to which our country is the first in Europe in which this vaccine is produced.

The Minister also pointed out the importance of economic cooperation between Serbia and Russia in numerous fields, starting from energy, science, through military-technical cooperation, to cooperation in the fields of culture and sports. He especially emphasized the cooperation between the Serbian and Russian sides in the construction of the temple of Saint Sava, which he called a symbol of brotherhood and friendship between the two peoples.

Minister Selaković also stated that nine of the ten largest exporters from Serbia to the Russian Federation have foreign capital and that exactly this is an indicator of the balance of East-West relations in Serbia. He underlined that Serbia is on the European path, but not at the cost of severing relations with traditional friends, including Russia.

"Anyone who wants to change our position of not imposing sanctions on the Russian Federation would first of all have to remove President Vučić from the head of Serbia, because I am deeply convinced that while he is at the head of this state, that position will not change", Selaković said.

The Minister added that Serbia pursues a policy of military neutrality, and that both the Serbian and Russian people are known for their love of freedom and insubordination.

"Nobody will choose friends for Serbia, Serbia will choose friends for itself", Selaković said.

At the end of his presentation, he expressed the opinion that the future of Europe and Russia is good only if it is shared.