Secretary General Kozarev meets with the Italian Ambassador

05. Jun 2024.
Secretary General Dusan Kozarev had talks today with the Ambassador of Italy to Serbia, Luca Gori. On that occasion, they affirmed the long-standing good bilateral relations between the two countries.

The interlocutors stated that Serbia and Italy not only fostered good political ties, but that cooperation was also present in all areas, especially in the domain of economic and cultural cooperation. Kozarev and Gori assessed that although Serbia and Italy did not share the same views in some cases, this was not and should not be an obstacle to partner relations and to the promotion of cooperation between the two countries.

Kozarev pointed out that the cooperation between the two ministries could be further enhanced through direct contacts between the offices of each Secretary General, thus intensifying the efforts at the operational level. He noted that these were central bodies of foreign ministries, which concretized the agreed strategies and put them into practice.

Given that the current year marked the 145th anniversary of diplomatic relations, as well as 15 years since the signing of the Strategic Partnership Agreement between the two countries, Kozarev and Gori agreed that Serbia and Italy should mark such major and important anniversaries through the joint organization of various events in 2024.

Finally, Kozarev and Gori expressed their belief that there would soon be a meeting between the two foreign ministers, as well as that other high-level visits would take place.