Mexico, a great true friend of Serbia

24. May 2021.
Statement by Minister Selakovic on the occasion of marking the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Serbia and Mexico

Your Excellency, Secretary of Foreign Affairs Ebrard Casaubon,

Dear colleagues and friends,

I am honored to address you on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Serbia and Mexico, which, this year, we are marking with a series of events being held in Belgrade and Mexico City.

Despite the geographical distance, our two peoples have many things in common such as commitment to tradition, while keeping abreast of the times, but also cordiality and hospitality which make them good hosts.

Serbia and Mexico base their decades-long friendship on adherence to international law and mutual understanding, respect and support.

Over the past decades, the top-level statesmen of Serbia and Mexico have always exchanged views on current international problems. Serbia and Mexico still share views on numerous international problems, ready to contribute to their solution together, in cooperation with the rest of the international community. Serbia and Mexico are united today in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, striving for not only the citizens of our countries but for the whole of humanity to return to normal life as soon as possible, including through universal access to vaccines.

The citizens of Serbia see Mexico as a true, great friend. Unwavering in its adherence to international law and the United Nations Charter, Mexico has always stood by Serbia in its most difficult moments. Mexico did not close its Embassy in Belgrade at the time of the greatest suffering and agony of the citizens of Serbia. Also, Mexico does not bring into question the inviolability of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia, and has provided us with consistent support, which the citizens of Serbia recognize and highly appreciate, feeling deep gratitude and undisguised affection for Mexico.

The citizens of Serbia show a special interest in the rich cultural and historical heritage and the stunning natural beauty of Mexico; they like to read the greats not only of Mexican but also of the world literature of Juan Rulfo and Carlos Fuentes; they are touched by the lyrics of Emilio Fernandez's moving pictures; they admire the indomitability and perseverance of the spirit in the work of Frida Kahlo and enjoy the tastes of Mexican cuisine.

I would like to point out to all the citizens of Mexico that, if they ever come to Serbia, they will be welcomed warmly. Here, among other things, they will get acquainted with our rich cultural and historical heritage and unique natural beauty, artistic creation and sports, because our peoples also share a love for sporting endeavour.

Serbia and Mexico are once again recognizing the potential for stronger economic co-operation. A cooperation, which, however, has not been fully exploited. Serbia and Mexico can strengthen their ties in a number of areas. I would like to single out the cooperation between cities and regions, which provides citizens with the ability to get closer together and find out more about their cultures. The cities of Novi Sad and Toluca are, I believe, what will be the first of twin cities from Serbia and Mexico.

I am convinced that the friendship between our two countries and peoples will remain strong and that in the near future we will have the honor of wishing President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador and you the warmest welcome to Serbia. Allow me to conclude my statement with the words ¡Viva la amistad entre Serbia y México!