Dačić: Redefining relations between Belgrade and Zagreb

06. Jan 2023.
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Ivica Dačić said today that dialogue based on equality and mutual respect was the right way to resolve outstanding issues between Serbia and Croatia.

In Zagreb, at the Serb National Council’s Christmas reception, Minister Dačić stated that the two countries needed to try and find mutual interest even when they had opposing views.

“I don't believe that we are each other's favourite people, but we are where we are, and we have to live together, so we should live in peace”, said Minister Dačić.

He emphasised that Serbia was aware that some of the outstanding issues were severe and serious and could not be resolved in the short term, but recognised the opportunities and the need for improving the relations between the two countries.

“However, this can only be achieved by normalising the overall political narrative and dialogue”, stressed Minister Dačić at the reception, which was also attended by Prime Minister of Croatia Andrej Plenković.

Minister Dačić said that his presence in Zagreb, in addition to showing care for Serbs in Croatia, was also sending a message about the need to redefine the relations between Belgrade and Zagreb.

“We may have different opinions, but we need to talk and reach an agreement. This is why we are here today, at the suggestion of President Aleksandar Vučić, who has entrusted Tomislav Žigmanov with the task to, together with Milorad Pupovac, sign the Declaration on Cooperation and find appropriate occasions for reviving constructive dialogue”, stated Minister Dačić.

Minister Dačić said that Serbian Patriarch Porfirije had reminded him that he had been in Zagreb in 2014 at this inauguration as Metropolitan, recalling that they had discussed the need to find common interests of the two nations.

“Even though we celebrate Christmas according to different calendars, I believe that we could agree on its symbolism and immutable values such as peace, tolerance and solidarity”, said Minister Dačić.

Highlighting the fact that expectations from the reception were high, due to the public mood that had been created, Minister Dačić stated that better relations between the two countries were for mutual benefit, but also for the benefit of the entire region.

Minister Dačić congratulated Croatia on its entrance into the Schengen Area on 1 January, stating that any progress achieved by a neighbouring country should be viewed as a joint success.

He said that it was particularly important for both countries to condemn hate speech and ethnically motivated violence, which would, in his words, contribute to building trust.

Minister Dačić emphasised that the Government of Serbia had provided 600,000 EUR for the Croatian National Council to repurchase the Ban Josip Jelačić Memorial Home. He added that these might be small steps, but were in the positive direction and should be emulated.

“I think that solutions should be found for all disputed issues, including the issue of the language and script, both for Serbs in Croatia and Croats in Serbia”, stated Minister Dačić.

Instead of competing in hatred, I wish we would compete in building peace and good relations, said Minister Dačić, and repeated that Serbia was ready to resolve outstanding issues through dialogue.

“Love is temporary, just like hate, but the people remain as the common interest. Regardless of the times we live in, regardless of what happened a few centuries ago or 10 or 30 years ago, we must consider the part of the issue relating to the past, the part relating to the present, and the part relating to the future”, emphasised Minister Dačić.

In addition to its host, President of the Serb National Council Milorad Pupovac, the reception was attended by Prime Minister of Croatia Andrej Plenković, Ministers of the Government of Serbia Tanja Miščević and Tomislav Žigmanov, and public figures from both countries.

Source/Photo: Tanjug