Dačić: Kurti is comfortable with constant escalation, we wish peace

16. Jun 2023.
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ivica Dačić said today that the prime minister of the temporary institutions of Pristina, Albin Kurti, is comfortable with the constant escalations, while Serbia wants peace and stability because the survival of the Serbian people is paramount.

Speaking at TV Pink, Dačić said that Pristina authorities are doing everything to provoke reactions from the Serbs living in Kosovo and Metohija and provoke conflict between them and KFOR, fishing for harsh reactions addressed to Serbia by the international community.

“It seems that a day or a week without causing any new incidents is a bad day or a week for Kurti. I think we have reached a point from which there is no forward, in the sense that Serbs are forced to fight for their bare existence. This is not about political competition, political conflicts or whether the Serbs will now engage politically and have a certain number of deputies or council offices in institutions, but about physical survival, because people are being arrested and shot at, and the basic human and civil rights are being violated,” Dačić said.

Commenting on a recent arrest of three officers of Pristina's special police forces in the territory of central Serbia, Dačić said they had had no right to be on the location of the arrest and that it constituted a serious criminal offence.

He added that they gave an excuse that they had entered the territory of Central Serbia by accident, and while it is quite possible that someone may wander into a foreign territory, that was not case here.

Even if Kurti's claims that they were 300 m away from the administrative line were true, they should not have been there as that is contrary to the Kumanovo Agreement, and only Kfor units are allowed to patrol the area, Dačić noted.

“I think they (Pristina) now have to deal with the problem of explaining why those police officers were in the territory of central Serbia. Evidently, Pristina is facing a series of demands Kurti does not want to fulfil at all - constant escalation is what suits him, while peace, stability and having no incidents is what suits us because the survival of our people is paramount”, Dačić said

He also pointed out that this is the reason why Vučić invited all Serbs to peaceful protests.

“The international community should exert pressure towards de-escalation and a withdrawal of (Pristina's) mayors and police forces and a release of all arrested Serbs”, Dačić said.

Source: Tanjug