Political relations Relationships are of moderate intensity. State Secretary for Foreign Affairs Luka Bekari paid an official visit to the Republic of Serbia on July 17 and 18, 2023. The former State Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Nikola Renzi, visited Belgrade in 2018. It was the first bilateral visit in 13 years. Economic relations Bilateral trade in 2022. amounted to 855 thousand euros, of which Serbian exports to San Marino amounted to 155 and imports amounted to 700 thousand euros. Bilateral agreements Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Government of the Republic of San Marino on Avoiding Double Taxation and Preventing Tax Evasion in Relation to Income Tax, (2018), Agreement on the establishment of consular relations (1962), Agreement on the abolition of visas (1968), Agreement on the establishment of the Mixed Commission for the consideration of the Yugoslav-San Marino trade exchange for the promotion of economic cooperation (1989) и Agreement on the establishment of diplomatic relations (2002).
Contact information Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Rome: http://roma.mfa.gov.rs Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Department for Neighbouring Countries and SEE, tel. 00 381 (0) 11 30 68 280, e-mail: osz@mfa.rs

San Marino
Official name
Form of government
San Marino
Date of establishment of bilateral relations
3 April 2003.