Statement by Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia Nikola Selaković

19. Oct 2022.
The judgement against Ivan Teodosijević was an attempt by judicial system of the so-called Kosovo to judge the entire Serbian people for its determination to preserve their self-respect and refuse to pretend that a lie is the truth.

Ivan Teodosijević, an honourable person and a good family man, has been sentenced to a year in prison for speaking out and daring to question the official version of history that the Albanian separatists have been trying to enforce, supported by their foreign patrons.

The entire Serbian people are aware that the events in the village of Račak, which Todosijević boldly spoke about, were a deceit, a false justification for the illegal NATO aggression on Serbia. While Serbia and the Serbian people exist, there will always be those ready to speak the truth and fight for it against an avalanche of lies.

Ivan Todosijević is a good and proud Serb, and every Serb today feels like Ivan Todosijević. 

This shameful judicial farce shows how many lies and hypocrisy there are in Pristina's mantras about the so-called Kosovo as “Europe’s youngest democracy”, and how harsh the oppression and persecution is that the Serbian people are suffering every day.

After having already been denied almost all of their individual and collective rights, Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija have now officially also lost their freedom of speech and thought.

This judgement was also insidiously announced today, only a day after the session of the UN Security Council, since the political cowards in Pristina are well aware that it is the strongest argument against all their pretences of “democracy” and “civil society”, and irrefutable evidence of the reign of terror in the self-proclaimed “Kosovo”.

They were wrong to think that this would go unanswered and that the Serbian people would tolerate the persecution of an honourable man and honest patriot. In our view, this judgement is null and void, and so is their false version of history, and I am convinced that Serbia’s political, diplomatic and legal actions will be in line with this belief.