State Secretary Aleksic confers with Martha Luigi, State Minister in the Ministry of Defense of Ethiopia

08. Nov 2023.
State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Goran Aleksic, received today the State Minister in the Ministry of Defense of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Martha Luigi.

Ambassador Aleksic pointed to the long history of cooperation between the two countries, stressing our readiness to further promote bilateral ties in a way that reflected the nature of friendly relations.

He especially thanked his interlocutor for the support that Ethiopia lends to the territorial integrity of Serbia, maintaining its principled position concerning non-recognition of the unilaterally declared independence of "Kosovo".

State Minister Martha Luigi emphasized that she arrived in Belgrade to contribute to the strengthening of contacts and cooperation in all areas of common interest, underlining that, among other things, opportunities existed in the fields of agriculture, trade, industry, tourism and defense. She emphasized the closeness of relations between the two countries and their peoples, which were bound by historical friendship.