Serbia is not exporting weapons to Myanmar

22. Feb 2022.
Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Regarding the claims made by the UN Special Rapporteur on Myanmar, Thomas Andrews, that Serbia is one of the countries that supply weapons to the current authorities of that country, we reiterate that Serbia is fulfilling all its international obligations in the field of arms and military equipment trade in a very transparent manner.

The report of the Special Rapporteur, which, among other issues, discusses Serbia's role in supplying the Myanmar Army with weapons, is largely based on speculation and unnamed sources, and not on internationally verified facts.

Serbia condemns in the strongest terms all forms of violence and human rights violations and is committed to fully disclosing all events in Myanmar, and to that end, Serbia voted in favour of UNGA Resolution 75/287, adopted on 18 June 2021.

After the coup in Myanmar, Serbia examined the new situation in that country very carefully and in March last year made a decision not to deliver weapons to this country either under previously concluded agreements or new export requests.

In accordance with this decision, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia blocked several requests for the transport of weapons to Myanmar and new requests for the export of weapons and military equipment.

The Serbian Foreign Ministry informed the UN Special Rapporteur on human rights about the above in a letter delivered early this year by the Serbian Permanent Representative to the UN and other International Organizations in Geneva.

Therefore, Serbia considers that it has not violated any provision of international conventions to which it is a signatory, as well as any generally accepted rule of international law.