Selaković congratulated on Africa Day

25. May 2021.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, Nikola Selaković, sent a congratulatory message on the occasion of the Africa Day, in which he wished prosperity and well-being to all African countries and peoples.

Selaković reminded that since 2017, 25 May has been marked in Serbia as the Day of Friendship with the Peoples of Africa, and that by doing so, our country has shown a desire to nurture and carefully build cooperation with African countries.

The congratulatory message states that Serbia is truly committed to the development of comprehensive relations with African countries with which it is connected by traditional friendship dating back to the SFRY period, and adds that these relations are based on the principles of unity, mutual understanding and support, but also cooperation and solidarity.

In his congratulatory message, the Minister underlined Serbia's commitment to intensifying political, economic, cultural and educational ties with African countries, especially emphasizing the multi-year scholarship program which allows young people from African countries to study at universities in Serbia, and which continues this year as well.

Also, Selaković pointed out the importance of cooperation with African countries in multilateral forums, of which he especially emphasized UNESCO.

In his congratulatory message to his African colleagues, which was distributed to the Permanent Delegation of African countries to UNESCO by the Permanent Delegation of Serbia to this organization, the Minister expressed special satisfaction that the tradition of marking Africa Day continued this year under the auspices of UNESCO, noting that Serbia also financially supported the holding of the "Africa Week" event in UNESCO. He added that Serbia strongly supports the activities of this organization in African countries, as well as that our country is committed to as meaningful and comprehensive support of UNESCO to Africa as possible.