Relations between Serbia and the Russian Federation in the spirit of traditional friendship

10. May 2024.
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Marko Djuric had talks today with Ambassador of the Russian Federation Aleksandr Botsan-Kharchenko.

Minister Djuric informed Ambassador Botsan-Kharchenko about the foreign policy priorities of the new Serbian Government, expressing the expectation that the relations between the two countries would continue to develop in the spirit of traditional friendship, mutual respect and strategic partnership.

According to Minister Djuric, Serbia will continue to pursue a freedom-loving and independent foreign policy of protecting vital state and national interests, while choosing partners on its own and using all available opportunities for economic and democratic development.

The Serbian Foreign Minister emphasized Serbia's commitment to international law and the spirit of true multilateralism, based on the UN Charter and the Helsinki Accords, thanking the Russian Federation once again for its support in international organizations and understanding of the challenges our country was facing.

He added that Serbia would continue to be strategically committed to full membership of the EU, but at the same time would also continue to foster traditional friendships and partnerships, and promote relations with those with whom it had not always cooperated harmoniously in the past.

Emphasizing once again the deep cultural and historical ties between Serbia and Russia, Minister Djuric extended his congratulations to Ambassador Botsan-Kharchenko on the occasion of Victory Day over fascism in World War II.