Minister Djuric confers with the Foreign Minister of Türkiye

13. Jun 2024.
Minister of Foreign Affairs Marko Djuric met today in Skopje with Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Türkiye Hakan Fidan, where he is participating in the Leaders' Summit of the South East European Cooperation Process.

The head of Serbian diplomacy expressed his satisfaction with the high frequency of political dialogue, as well as the mutually affirmed desire to further promote bilateral cooperation.

Türkiye is an important economic partner of Serbia, and the connectivity between the countries in that area, according to Djuric, represented a solid basis for the further strengthening of overall ties between the two countries.

Regarding the current situation in the relations between Belgrade and Pristina, Djuric underlined that our side would continue to maintain a constructive approach, but at the same continue to insist that Pristina fully implement all that had been defined and agreed upon in the agreements reached so far.