Minister Djuric confers with the Ambassador of the Russian Federation

21. Jun 2024.
Minister of Foreign Affairs Marko Djuric had talks today with Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Serbia Aleksandr Botsan-Kharchenko.

At the meeting, the traditional friendship between the two countries and peoples was affirmed, including the continued mutual support on respective issues of national interest.

Minister Djuric expressed gratitude for the consistent stance of the Russian Federation on respecting the territorial integrity and sovereignty of our country, and pointed out that Serbia would continue to advocate for the respect of the fundamental principles of international law, as well as that it would not change its strategic orientation.

The interlocutors exchanged views on the geopolitical situation in the world, and especially on its impact on the economic situation of all countries. In this context, the head of Serbian diplomacy emphasized that Serbia would be a constructive global partner, willing to participate in all initiatives aimed at achieving lasting peace and stability.