Minister Dacic receives a farewell call from the UAE Ambassador

26. Jul 2023.
First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, Ivica Dacic, received today a farewell call from Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates to the Republic of Serbia Mubarak Saeed Al Dhaheri.

In a cordial atmosphere, First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Ivica Dacic emphasized the exceptional contribution made by Ambassador Dhaheri to the development of overall relations between the two countries, based on friendship and strategic partnership.

The Serbian Foreign Minister expressed his gratitude for the support that the UAE provided to Serbia's successful bid to host the Specialized Exhibition EXPO 2027, assessing that the cooperation between the two countries at the multilateral level was very successful.

Thanking Minister Dacic for the exceptional cooperation in previous years, Ambassador Dhaheri stated that during his term of office, which was not easy considering the Covid-19 pandemic, the financial crisis in the world and complex global circumstances, Serbia and the UAE managed to jointly overcome many difficulties through close cooperation at the high and top levels.