Minister Dacic receives a farewell call from Head of the Council of Europe Office in Belgrade Flessenkemper

25. Aug 2023.
First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Ivica Dacic met today with Tobias Flessenkemper, the Head of the Council of Europe Office in Belgrade ending his tenure on 31 August.

On that occasion, Minister Dacic expressed his gratitude to Flessenkemper for everything that was achieved during his tenure as Head of the CoE Office in Belgrade. He emphasized the importance of the support that the CoE had provided to Serbia for two decades in the reform process, on its path to full membership in the EU, through support and cooperation in the fields of the rule of law, human rights and democracy.

Serbian Foreign Minister Dacic took the opportunity to reiterate to the interlocutor our positions concerning the unacceptability of the request of the so-called "Kosovo" for membership in the Council of Europe.

Tobias Flessenkemper expressed his gratitude for the cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which he assessed as very successful. He pointed out that the Republic of Serbia had done a lot of important things with support of the Council of Europe, and that our country was recognized as a very active and important member state of the Council of Europe.

They expressed a mutual expectation that the successful cooperation maintained so far would also continue with the next Head of Office in Belgrade.