Minister Dačić with Miao Deyu, Director-General of the Department of Policy Planning of the Foreign Ministry of the People's Republic of China

24. Apr 2023.
First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Ivica Dačić had a courtesy meeting today with the Director-General of the Department of Policy Planning of the Foreign Ministry of the People's Republic of China, Miao Deyu, who is visiting Belgrade.

In a cordial and open conversation, the two officials expressed mutual satisfaction with the outstanding overall relations between the Republic of Serbia and the People's Republic of China, which are based on a comprehensive strategic partnership and iron friendship, with repeated mutual support in matters of national concern for the two countries.

Minister Dačić used the opportunity to once again congratulate his colleague on the extremely successful first session on the 14th National People's Congress, which saw the appointment of the new state leadership, and third re-election of President Xi Jinping as the President of the People's Republic of China and the Chairman of the Central Military Commission of the People's Republic of China, along with the appointment of the new Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China Li Qiang. Minister Dačić emphasised that Serbia was very proud of the extremely meaningful, intensive, and high-quality political dialogue at all levels, and that it would be a great honour and a special pleasure to once again show hospitality to President Xi in an official visit to Belgrade in the near future, as well as to host State Councillor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang.

The two officials exchanged opinions on further comprehensive strengthening of cooperation in many areas, especially in the field of economy, with the aim of concluding a Free Trade Agreement between the Republic of Serbia and the People's Republic of China as soon as possible.

During his visit to Belgrade, the Director-General of the Department of Policy Planning of the Foreign Ministry of the People's Republic of China, Miao Deyu held a consultative meeting with representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, led by the Deputy Assistant Minister for Bilateral Cooperation, Ambassador Aleksandar Janković.