Minister Dacic meets with Speaker of the Egyptian House of Representatives Ali Gebaly

27. Jul 2023.
First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Ivica Dacic had talks today with Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Arab Republic of Egypt Hanafy Ali Gebaly.

In the conversation, the interlocutors emphasized that Serbia and Egypt were bound by decades of friendship and that they were very proud to be celebrating the 115th anniversary since the establishment of diplomatic relations this year.

They highlighted the key contribution that the historic visit by Egyptian President         el-Sisi made to the comprehensive development of bilateral relations, which were raised to the level of strategic partnership.

Speaker Gebaly talked, carefully choosing his words, about the role that Minister Dacic, as a man with an impressive biography and extensive political experience, played in the development of Serbian-Egyptian relations.

Both sides expressed satisfaction with the highly successful development of the traditionally good relations between the two countries, in which parliamentary cooperation occupied a very important place.

The collocutors agreed that there was great potential for further development of overall bilateral cooperation, including stepped-up political dialogue and exchanges of visits at high and the highest level, and noted that a return visit to Egypt by President Aleksandar Vucic at a mutually acceptable date would be of the greatest significance in this regard.