The international community urgently needs to protect the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija

30. Aug 2024.
We urge our friends and partners in the international community, as well as international organizations operating in Kosovo and Metohija, to immediately protect the Serbian people from the terror of Pristina authorities led by Albin Kurti.

The incursion of the personnel of Kurti's special police, armed to their teeth, into the institutions on which the physical survival of Serbs in four municipalities in the north of Kosovo and Metohija depends is the culmination of Pristina's anti-Serb, anti-civilization and anti-European policy and represents a dangerous step towards escalation of the widest scale.

Those who are present in Kosovo and Metohija under United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 and who are responsible for the safety of all citizens in Kosovo and Metohija must not be silent observers of the terror being carried out by Kurti, which is ruining the chances for a compromise and peaceful solution to the problems in the southern Serbian province.

Belgrade consistently calls for peace and dialogue, and Pristina, since it has not been adequately sanctioned so far for its permanent obstruction of dialogue and violence against the Serbian people, is doing everything to change the situation on the ground to such an extent that any dialogue becomes redundant.

It is high time for Kurti to be prevented from inciting new conflicts in the Western Balkans and completing his plan of ethnic cleansing, which in the past year and a half alone resulted in 15 percent of Serbs leaving Kosovo and Metohija, as also noted by the International Crisis Group.

Instead of Kurti's violence and arbitrariness, we urgently need a reaffirmation and a revival of dialogue, since Pristina's policy does not contribute to peace and poses difficult and dangerous challenges for all responsible actors in the international community, while being an obvious prelude to a humanitarian disaster and a very serious destabilization of the region.