First Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Dacic had talks with Israeli Foreign Minister Cohen

12. Jul 2023.
First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Ivica Dacic had talks today with Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Israel Eli Cohen.

In a cordial and open conversation, the interlocutors discussed the possibilities of consolidating political relations and further developing bilateral cooperation, the upward trend of which was disrupted by Israel's decision to recognize the unilaterally declared independence of the so-called Kosovo, which was received in Serbia with surprise and disappointment.

The interlocutors agreed on the need to discuss the future of relations and develop further cooperation on the basis of mutually defined interests and for the benefit of the two close peoples, who throughout history often shared a tragic fate, especially during the Second World War, and also that it was necessary to foster the culture of remembrance.

The interlocutors emphasized that the dynamic of political dialogue should be maintained, which could contribute to the strengthening of mutual understanding and the consideration of opportunities for the development of cooperation in various fields, especially in the economy, investment, science and innovation.

They stressed the need to organize a session of the Joint Committee on Trade and Economic Cooperation in the near future.

First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Dacic informed the interlocutor about the history of the conflict and the current situation in Kosovo and Metohija, where members of the Serbian community were exposed to constant threats and pressures as well as violations of their basic rights.