Djuric: Very good relations and room to expand cooperation between Serbia and Mexico

10. May 2024.
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Marko Djuric met today with Ambassador of the United Mexican States Carlos Isauro Félix Corona.

Minister Djuric noted that very good political relations, a long tradition of bilateral relations and mutual understanding between the two countries in the international arena created room to open up new areas of cooperation.

According to the Minister, Serbia and Mexico shared a strong commitment to adherence to international law, as well as to multilateralism.

In this context, Minister Djuric emphasized that Serbia was very grateful to Mexico for its consistent support on the issue of Kosovo and Metohija, including for its understanding of the positions being presented by Serbia in international organizations in this connection.

The Serbian Foreign Minister noted that there was huge untapped potential for promoting the economic relations between Serbia and Mexico, especially in the field of agriculture, because, although the trade in goods had recorded constant growth in the past five years, economic cooperation was still significantly below the real capacities of the two countries.

Minister Djuric pointed out that it was very important for Serbia to use multilateral channels, that is, regional organizations in which it has an observer status, such as the Organization of American States and the Association of Caribbean States, to continue working on building best possible relations with the countries of that part of the world, and that we hoped for the support of our Mexican friends to that end as well.