Djuric: Strengthening cooperation with the United States is among the priorities of our foreign policy

09. May 2024.
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Marko Djuric met today with Ambassador of the United States of America to the Republic of Serbia Christopher Hill.

Outlining the priorities of the foreign policy orientation of the new Government of the Republic of Serbia, which include the strengthening of cooperation with the United States, Minister Djuric noted that the political, economic and cultural relations between our two countries had seen a positive transformation in recent years.

"The significant advancement of Serbia-U.S. relations is a direct reflection of Serbia's strengthened global position - first as the regional leader and then also as a trusted partner in the international sphere. We intend to especially step up that policy of creating friendships and partnerships in the coming period", Minister Djuric pointed out.

The Serbian Foreign Minister added that the partnership with the United States rested upon not only regular high-level political dialogue but also upon constantly finding new economic and investment opportunities opening up new paths to strengthening the ties between the two peoples, to which end the work of the American-Serbian Business Council, founded last year, contributed to a large extent.

In this context, he was pleased to note that the annual volume of Serbia-U.S. bilateral trade was at a record-high 1.2 billion dollars for two consecutive years and that the United States was the number one market for Serbian ICT services exports.

Thanking Hill for the excellent cooperation and support during his tenure as Ambassador in Washington, D.C., Minister Djuric expressed his belief that in his new capacity in Belgrade he would continue to work with the U.S. administration on the deepening of mutually beneficial cooperation.