Djuric and Petkovic with representatives of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija

07. Jun 2024.
Minister of Foreign Affairs Marko Djuric and Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic met today, ahead of the First All-Serbian Assembly, which will be held in Belgrade on Saturday, 8 June, with political and institutional representatives of the Serbian people from Kosovo and Metohija.

Djuric and Petkovic primarily discussed the political and security situation in the province with the Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija, in light of the daily, unilateral and violent actions carried out by Albin Kurti in front of the international community.

Representatives of the Serbian people from Kosovo and Metohija informed Minister Djuric and Director Petkovic about all the challenges and problems our people was facing in the province, but also about the unwavering determination of the Serbs to stay and survive on their ancestral lands.

"The strength of Serbian unity has always been and will be the strongest bulwark and the loudest response to all those who think they can extinguish the spark of Serbian existence and the Serbian name and surname in ​​Kosovo and Metohija, but also everywhere where the Serbian people live. Our most important task today is to protect the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija, and in this we have the strong support and commitment of our state, Serbia, and President Aleksandar Vucic", the interlocutors jointly concluded after the meeting.