Dacic: Norway has decided to close its embassy in Pristina

30. Jun 2023.
Dacic said on Friday Norway had decided to close its embassy in Pristina.

Speaking to Pink TV, Dacic said he had learned of the decision after a meeting with the state secretary at the Norwegian Foreign Ministry, Eivind Vad Petersson, and added that it was a blow to Pristina.

Commenting on Pristina PM Albin Kurti's decision to declare two organisations established in the north of Kosovo-Metohija as terrorist organisations, Dacic said Kurti was constantly striving to brand Serbia and all Serbs as genocidal and portray Serbia as a side that must pay war reparations.

He said recognitions of the so-called Kosovo opened a Pandora's box.

"That has helped us explain that phenomenon to countries that have recognised Kosovo. We had no diplomacy before 2012, and when (Aleksandar) Vucic and I as minister made a decision to work on that, we started explaining to people that someone would do the same in their countries, too," Dacic said.


Source: Tanjug

Foto: YouTube/PINK