Austria one of the strongest partners of Serbia in the EU

11. Jun 2024.
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Marko Djuric spoke by phone today with Federal Minister for European and International Affairs of the Republic of Austria Alexander Schallenberg.

Pointing out that Serbia attached great importance to the further development of comprehensive relations with Austria, which we considered one of our strongest partners in the European Union, Minister Djuric underlined the readiness of the Serbian side to deepen the political dialogue at all levels and continue to promote bilateral cooperation.

Minister Djuric informed his collocutor about the current situation in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, as well as the concerning position of the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, who are constantly exposed to pressure, coercion and unbearable living conditions due to the unilateral acts of Pristina.

In the conversation, the Serbian Foreign Minister also emphasized that the support of Austria, as a country that is considered one of the leaders when it comes to advocating for enlargement within the EU, was of great importance for Serbia in our European perspective as a candidate country.

In this context, Djuric highlighted the Friends of Western Balkans Group, which was established at Austria's initiative and brings together EU member states advocating expediting the region's EU accession process.

Bearing in mind the meeting of the heads of diplomacy of the Western Balkans with the ministers of foreign affairs of this group later this month, to be hosted by Austria, Minister Djuric thanked Minister Schallenberg for the invitation and said that he expected the meeting to be an opportunity to jointly discuss prospects for expanding cooperation in all areas of interest to our countries and their citizens.