TANJUG - Dačić: Magnificent peaceful gathering in Rudare as answer to threats and terror

22. Dec 2022.
The magnificent gathering in Rudare showed once more the power of the people who have been harmed by injustice and who have been fighting for freedom and peace, First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Ivica Dačić stated today.

“This gathering is also a clear answer to all the threats and terror coming from Pristina and their helpers and instigators The Serbian people have stood in unflinching unity with the leadership of Serbia, giving their undivided support to President Vučić in his struggle to protect the national and state interests of Serbia”, said Minister Dačić to Tanjug.

Minister Dačić stated that the international community had to understand that the only solution was to observe international agreements, from Resolution 1244 to the Brussels Agreement and Washington Agreement, and that Prime Minister of the temporary institutions in Pristina Albin Kurti was the greatest threat to the peace and stability in the region.

Source: Tanjug