TANJUG - Dačić: Eliminating the cause leads to de-escalation in KiM

20. Dec 2022.
Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dačić said today that eliminating the causes of the latest events in Kosovo and Metohija can lead to de-escalation of the situation.

Dačić pointed out that requests and conditions for reaching a solution to the problem set out by the Serbs in Kosovo are clear, and that is to cease all unilateral moves, to seriously commit to dialogue, to release the arrested Serbs, and no secret arrest lists.

He pointed out that Serbs do not want to be part of incidents, but part of a peaceful solution.

“We cannot discuss new agreements while Serbs are being arrested and while Pristina is refusing to implement the existing agreement”, Dačić told reporters at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, after a meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia Tanja Fajon.

Dačić underlined that the Prime Minister of provisional institutions in Pristina, Albin Kurti, is currently the biggest threat to peace and stability, because he is sparking individual incidents.

When asked about what to expect next, bearing in mind that Kurti stated that the removal of the barricades will not go without victims, Dačić said that all events in Kosovo and Metohija are the result of non-compliance with the Brussels Agreement, which is the cause of everything that is happening now, including the barricades. He pointed out that barricades were not set up to disrupt traffic, but are part of a political protest due to the non-fulfillment and violation of the Brussels Agreement.

Dačić reminded that the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija were not allowed to vote in the referendum, to vote in the elections, and that the Kosovo police were sent to the north of Kosovo and Metohija, which is contrary to the Brussels Agreement.

Source: Tanjug