Starović: Peaceful dispute resolution, tolerance, equality are the foundations of the future

25. May 2021.
On the occasion of Africa Day, which is celebrated on 25 May, a promotion of the philatelic edition of "Africa Day" was held today at the PTT Museum in Belgrade, and the exhibition "Undiscovered Africa" was opened.

The open exhibition shows exclusive exhibits of the rich historical and cultural heritage of this continent.

Zoran Đorđević, Acting Director of the Post, stated that the mission of that institution is to connect people and continents, and that is why it is a special honor for them to present a stamp dedicated to decades of friendship and common values ​​of the peoples of Serbia and Africa.

"We share with the peoples of Africa the vision of future cooperation in the field of economy, modern technologies, infrastructure development and education, to which the Post of Serbia will contribute in the field of postal, logistics and information services", said Đorđević.

The State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Nemanja Starović, said that Serbia is proud of its glorious past and common victories, and that this is why 25 May was recorded in the calendar as the Day of Friendship with the People of Africa.

"Peaceful settlement of disputes, tolerance, equality, the right to sustainable development, respect for international and public law, are the principles on which the world of the future we strive for must be based", Starović said.

The doyen of the Group of African Ambassadors, the Ambassador of Algeria, Abdelhamid Shebshub, stated that the decision of the Post of Serbia to dedicate the stamp to the Africa Day will contribute to marking the special relationship between the African continent and Serbia.

"This initiative did not surprise us, because we are well aware of the friendly ties that Mr. Đorđević maintains with all African ambassadors, as well as his ever-present will to improve cooperation", said Shebshub.

The director of the PTT Museum and the manager of the Adligat Society, Viktor Lazić, reminded that Yugoslavia and Serbia have always offered a hand of friendship, support and understanding to the African peoples.

"That is why it is not surprising that all objects in the Museum of African Art and the Adligat Society left Africa not as prey of the occupiers, but as a gift from African friends or with the approval of the locals", Lazić emphasized.

He also revealed that the current exhibition consists of objects of great artistic and cultural significance, which were donated to the Adligat Travel Museum by the married couple Stanimir and Slobodanka Jovanović, after long diplomatic work in Zambia, Nigeria and Gabon.

Source: Tanjug