Spouse of the President of Serbia on a visit to Kinshasa

23. Jul 2024.
Spouse of the President of the Republic of Serbia Tamara Vucic met in Kinshasa with the President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Félix Tshisekedi, with whom she discussed bilateral relations between the two countries.

Noting how honoured she was with the meeting, Tamara Vucic pointed out that the 2019 visit of the President and First Lady of DR Congo to Serbia gave an additional impetus to the traditionally friendly relations between the two countries.

Spouse of the President of Serbia expressed her gratitude for the extraordinary hospitality and especially for the support lent to Serbian interests in international organizations.

Previously, the spouse of the President of Serbia expressed her satisfaction at the warm and friendly welcome by the First Lady of DR Congo, Denise Nyakéru Tshisekedi.

"A great honour was extended to the Republic of Serbia in Kinshasa. Together with the minister without portfolio in charge of international economic cooperation, Nenad Popovic, I had the privilege of experiencing an extraordinary hospitality", Tamara Vucic emphasized.