Serbia committed to intensive cooperation with the American administration

03. Jun 2021.
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, Nikola Selaković, met with Deputy Assistant Secretary of State and State Department’s Special Representative for the Western Balkans, Matthew Palmer.

Minister Selaković said that the improvement of all areas of cooperation with the United States is one of Serbia's foreign policy priorities and pointed out that our country is determined to intensify cooperation with the current American administration.

Emphasizing an important jubilee this year – 140 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Serbia and the United States, Selaković expressed hope that, in accordance with the conditions of the pandemic, this important anniversary will be adequately marked, and that a high-level visit would be a demonstration of US commitment to improving relations with our country.

When it comes to economic cooperation, the Minister emphasized the commitment to its intensification, especially having in mind the potentials for the improvement of economic activities.

The head of Serbian diplomacy said that it is of key interest for Serbia to preserve peace and stability in the region and the orientation of the region towards more intensive economic cooperation, and in that sense, he pointed out that improving good neighborly and mutually beneficial relations is a fundamental and unchanging starting point of Serbia's overall foreign policy.

Selaković pointed out that the dialogue on the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina, with the mediation of the EU, is the only right way to reach a sustainable agreement between the two sides. He underlined that compromise is the key, which implies a responsible and serious approach, and said that Serbia would continue to participate in the talks in good faith and that it was ready to continue the dialogue.

"We consider it unacceptable for Pristina to avoid fulfilling its obligations, especially the formation of the Association of Serbian Municipalities, insisting only on mutual recognition", Selaković stressed, adding that the current inflammatory rhetoric of Albin Kurti does not at all contribute to creating a favorable atmosphere for resuming the dialogue.

Also, the Minister said that the agreement on the normalization of economic relations from Washington is complementary to the activities of the EU and that it is a step towards the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina.

Selaković expressed concern over the frequent physical attacks on the buildings of the Serbian Orthodox Church in the past period and pointed out that the monastery Visoki Decani was recently included by the organization "Europa Nostra" in the list of seven most endangered cultural monuments in Europe. The Minister thanked Palmer for visiting the Visoki Decani Monastery and meeting with the Bishop Tedosije of Raska-Prizren, and the Hegumen Sava Janjić two days ago, as well as for the statement given on that occasion regarding the monastery property.

Speaking about Serbia's European integration, Selaković thanked Washington for its continued support for our path to full EU membership, to which Serbia is committed as its priority strategic commitment.