Selaković: Serbia and Slovenia doubled trade exchange

25. May 2021.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, Nikola Selaković, met today in Ljubljana with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia, Anže Logar.

Emphasizing good bilateral relations and cooperation between the two countries in all fields, the head of Serbian diplomacy mentioned that open issues are being resolved, and that the potentials for future cooperation are being strengthened.

Selaković especially emphasized that, in relation to 2009, Serbia and Slovenia doubled their trade exchange, which last year was one billion and 166.9 million euros, as well as that in the first three months of this year it was 307 million euros.

"If this tendency continues, we will set a record in our economic cooperation by the end of the year", Selaković said.

As he pointed out, the citizens of Serbia and Slovenia, with the mutual recognition of vaccination certificates, can now come from one country to another and vice versa.

"We reached that agreement in the run-up to our visit. I know that many Slovenes like to come to Belgrade in Serbia, as well as that many Serbian citizens like to come to Slovenia, if they have protected their health. I thank you from the bottom of my heart, distinguished Mr. Minister, for the warm hospitality and readiness to discuss all topics. I think that there is a high level of understanding and readiness for cooperation between us", Selaković emphasized.

The Minister pointed out that he heard the priorities of the Slovenian presidency of the EU and thanked Slovenia for its constant support for Serbia's European path, as well as that he informed Minister Logar about the results of reforms implemented by the Government and the state of Serbia.

Also, Selaković added that regional policy issues were discussed and that Slovenia is certainly an EU member state that best understands regional circumstances and from whose EU presidency Serbia expects more understanding and readiness to support regional processes that encourage countries in this part of Europe on their European path.

"We talked about the issue of succession, as we both share the opinion that it is time to resolve it. I introduced him to some views on certain specific issues and we agreed to continue the talks. I also expressed our interest in establishing cultural centers. If there is an interest of Slovenia for the opening of a cultural-information center in Belgrade, we will be very happy to accept it. We would like Ljubljana to receive one of the first cultural-information centers that are to be opened in the region", Selaković said, urging Minister Logar to come on a return visit to Belgrade by the end of the year.

Selaković pointed out that this is one of the ways to jointly send a message of readiness to resolve all open issues and that he is convinced that the meeting in Belgrade will be the opportunity for them to personally leave a good and positive mark in the relations between the two countries.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia, Anže Logar, said that he had presented to Minister Selaković the most important points that Slovenia would address during the EU presidency and that a summit with the Western Balkan countries was planned, in order to move closer to resolving open issues and to make progress through agreement.

Logar also reminded that Slovenian investments are in second place in Serbia, that the country employs many Serbian citizens, and that this is why he believes that such talks are necessary.

"Cooperation at the level of governments is very good, we have held five sessions of the two governments, and relying on the experience of such cooperation, Slovenia intends to move in the same direction with other neighboring countries", Logar concluded.