Selakovic: Need to promote economic cooperation with Lesotho

03. Jul 2021.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Nikola Selakovic met in Lusaka with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Relations of the Kingdom of Lesotho Matsepo Ramakoae.

The two interlocutors discussed the improvement of the overall relations between the two countries, especially in the economic area. They agreed that cooperation in the field of agriculture had the most potential.

Speaking about the intensification of political dialogue and the exchange of high and top-level visits, the head of Serbian diplomacy invited Madam Minister to visit Serbia.

Minister Selakovic thanked Lesotho for supporting the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia and for its position on the issue of Kosovo and Metohija.

On this occasion, Minister Selakovic informed the head of Lesotho’s diplomacy about the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the first conference of the Non-Aligned Movement in Belgrade and invited the delegation of Lesotho to be present at the highest level.

The two sides exchanged information on the corona virus pandemic in their countries, and discussed possibilities for cooperation in the fight against Covid-19.