Selaković: Brussels Agreement laid out the framework for the forming of CSM

03. Feb 2022.
Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikola Selaković stated today that the Brussels Agreement set out the framework within which the Community of Serbian Municipalities is to be formed and emphasized the need for Priština to fulfill the obligations it has assumed in the dialogue so far.

Appearing as a guest in a B92 TV program, Mr. Selaković was asked whether the US Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Mr. Gabriel Escobar and the EU Special Representative for the Belgrade-Priština Dialogue Mr. Miroslav Lajčák had brought a new proposal on the CSM, and replied that such issues were not part of the talks.

He pointed out that the general situation, Pristina's unwillingness to fulfill its obligations, and the necessity of holding elections on April 3 within the territory of Kosovo and Metohija as well were discussed at the meeting with Mr. Escobar and Mr. Lajčák.

"Essentially, by accepting such talks conversation, we reaffirm what we are committed to, namely participating in the dialogue on normalization of relations, where we always represent a constructive factor that doesn't avoid dialogue, because only such means can solve certain specific issues." - Mr. Selaković said.

In his opinion, Priština not only didn't fulfill, but didn't even begin to, nor has shown any intention of fulfilling its obligations set out by the First Brussels Agreement signed in April 2013, and Mr. Albin Kurti repeatedly reiterated that he does not want to deal with this issue and that for him the CSM is something unacceptable.

Minister Selaković remarked that after the visit of Mr. Escobar and Mr. Lajčák to Priština, Mr. Kurti's rhetoric might change.

"There's too much mistrust, way too many opportunities have been missed and promises haven't been kept, for someone to believe any of his statements or any remarks made in meetings with US and EU representatives. Let time show whether they will be fulfilled or not." - Foreign Minister Selaković said.

He also noted the coming period will reveal whether the US and the EU will put pressure on the provisional institutions in Priština to allow elections to be held on April 3 in Kosovo and Metohija.

"Presently, we attribute utmost importance to the issue of elections in Kosovo and Metohija when it comes to the relations between Belgrade and Priština and the implementation of the dialogue itself." - Foreign Minister Selaković said.

He also stressed that a failure to organize the elections might have unforeseeable consequences for all the past processes and the results they have achieved.

"Clearly, being a serious country and people, we do not use such terms without a reason and unfoundedly." - Mr. Selaković added.

Asked whether it's realistic to expect an agreement through dialogue by the end of US President Joseph Biden's term, Foreign Minister Selaković remarked that the process in question is way too complex for it to be so strictly timed and that it depends on many factors.

Commenting Priština's unilateral moves, Mr. Selaković emphasized that Belgrade and Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić reacted countless times by making it very clear that no "Storm"-like operations against our people will be allowed.

"It's simply unrealistic for anyone to expects us to turn our heads and remain silent whilst our people are being expelled." - Mr. Selaković said, adding that KFOR has a clear mandate on the ground to stop all such forms of violence, and the Brussels Agreement includes an agreement with NATO, which precludes any presence of Priština's armed forces in the northern part of Kosovo and Metohija.

Mr. Selaković noted that at almost all meetings with foreign representatives, Belgrade officials always warn against Priština's practice of unilateral moves, which first started in 2008 and which is very difficult to impede.

"These are issues that are always on the agenda. There are no unilateral moves on our part" - said Mr. Selaković adding that we expect the EU to react in advance when it comes to such risks and threats coming from Priština.

Concerning Europol's information on preparations for the assassination of Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić, Foreign Minister Selaković said that anyone resorting to irony and making fun of reports about the assassination plans is clearly not well-intentioned and doesn't wish well to President Vučić or Serbia.

"In fact, we have received dependable information from an EU member state indicating that the assassination of President Vučić has been organized. Thank goodness, it hasn't gone through. However, bearing in mind that President Aleksandar Vučić has completely changed Serbia, and bearing in mind Kosovo and Metohija, do you think that back in 2008 anyone would have attempted to proclaim the independence of Kosovo, if we had Mr. Vučić as the President of the Republic." - Mr. Selaković observed.

Asked about the situation in Montenegro and its government, Foreign Minister Selaković replied that he never gets involved in the internal political affairs of neighboring countries, adding that Serbia wants to have a good neighbor and to develop economic, trade and all other forms of cooperation with Montenegro.

"That is why we want the 'Open Balkans' initiative to fully come to life and Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Priština to be part of the regional initiative." Mr. Selaković added.

Commenting the situation in BiH after the failed negotiations on changes to the electoral legislation, Foreign Minister Selaković said that at numerous meetings he had with foreign officials President Vučić warned about the problems that BiH faces, but that no appropriate reaction to what he was drawing attention to ensued.

"You cannot say that the Serbs are a problem in BiH. Our position regarding Bosnia and Herzegovina is very clear, we respect the territorial integrity of BiH and the integrity of the Republika Srpska, because we are a signatory and guarantor of the Dayton Peace Agreement." Foreign Minister Selaković said.

He added that it's unfair and inappropriate to have a situation in which everyone is about to attack the Republika Srpska and talk about it the worst possible manner, whilst at the same time you have a constituent people acting towards the Republika Srpska in a way that clearly and explicitly  indicates that their single and main political goal is to have the Republika Srpska abolished.

Mr. Selaković noted that this shows that this is not a problem stemming from just one side.

He also added that when it comes to our while region, Serbia believes that it's important that peace and stability be primarily preserved, because that is the only environment in which we ca develop and prosper economically.

Foreign Minister Selaković emphasized that we want the best possible relations with BiH, as well as with Bosniaks, and that we will respect any agreement the three constituent peoples may reach, because that is something we deem inviolable.