Mr Dačić: It is most important that the UN Security Council members pointed out Pristina's obligation to establish the CSM

27. Apr 2023.
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia Ivica Dačić concluded today that it was most important for Serbia at the UN Security Council meeting on the UN secretary-general António Guterres’ report on the work of UNMIK in Kosovo and Metohija, that the members of the body clearly pointed out Pristina's obligation to establish the Community of Serb Municipalities.

“As you already know, under pressure from western countries, number of sessions has been reduced, and now they are held twice a year.  I think everyone wishes that there are fewer meetings, and in the end that there is no UNMIK either.  What is most important to us here is to hear the opinion of the UN Security Council member countries. The members pointed out Pristina's obligation to establish the CSM, because the attitude of the Pristina's institutions representatives is such as if they have fulfilled all possible requirements and now they are the once to teach the lesson”, said Mr Dačić for Tanjug. 

He continued by saying it is significant that “the representatives of the USA, the Great Britain, and specially France, pointed out the importance of establishing CSM”, adding that he did not want to emphasize Russia and China, which are Serbian traditional allies. 

The Minister also pointed out that everyone referred to Resolution 1244,    and stated that one may say the meeting was correct as regards the leading powers’ approach. 

“However, if there is on the other side leadership which does not care about dialogue, or peace...  They demonstrate it everywhere, in all fields. That is what they demonstrated in New York today.  At one point, I said that it had gone so far that some of Donika  Gërvalla's statements would go down in the history of hypocrisy, namely “Kosovo is the most democratic country in the region”, explained Mr Dačić.                                                                                    

He added that the second incorrect statement Gërvalla made was that “Kosovo is a factor of peace and freedom in the Balkans”, as well as “when Pristina makes a promise, it is certainly fulfilled”.  

“Sounds like you are listening to a tragic comedy, for if it was not sad, what they say would be funny. Ten years after the signing, we are talking again about the Brussels Agreement.  Where is the Community of Serb Municipalities”, asked Mr Dačić.

He also stated that Pristina behaved as if it was the one that dictated world politics and lectured world powers.

“And then, the stories about genocide. How can it be a genocide, when a large number of Serbs has been expelled, churches from the 14th centuries burned... We are witnessing great pressure on our people, and we are witnessing that 13 Serbs went to the polls at the recent local elections”, the Serbian Minister pointed out.  

He said that he clearly stated Serbia's position that it would never vote for the admission of the so-called Kosovo to international institutions.  

“We believe, and we are 100 percent positive that Kurti will not implement the obligation to establish the CSM, and thus he will jeopardise the implementation of everything that has been discussed.  We will be constructive, we are not afraid of anything, of threats; I can only say that I was here, at the UN Security Council, ten years ago. Thaci was also here.  Where is he now?” said Mr Dačić about Mr Thaci, who is currently on trial in The Hague. 

Mr Dačić stated that Pristina was a “Lie machine”. “Moreover, I have been watching them fight for their independence for 15 years, and how far they’ve come? And now, they say they have been recognised by, I do not know how many states.      It is a lie machine. Whatever the topic, they say the same - genocide, Vučić, Dačić, Milošević, that we are little Russia, I am little Sloba (Milošević), personally responsible for the genocide...” said the Minister. 

Mr Dačić emphasised that Pristina said someone better should be elected for the current government in Belgrade.  

“What a twilight of Serbia that would be if someone understanding Gërvalla would be elected its leader. I am happy to hear her talking about the Serbian political system, she still considers herself a citizen of Serbia”, said the Serbian minister.

Mr Dačić stated that the Council of Europe had destroyed its principles by giving a green light to the procedure for admitting Pristina to the organisation's membership. 

“The Council of Europe destroyed its principles by what it did. If they do not need our vote, it is ok. However, if Serbia's opinion does not matter, why are they pressuring us so much? Then, why are they not doing everything without Serbia? So, it means that Serbia's opinion does matter.”

“As regards the comments from Croatia, made by Zoran Milanović, namely the one they were among the first to recognise Kosovo, he had better take care of their issues in Croatia”, Mr Dačić pointed out.

He said that he had held working meetings with the permanent representatives of Russia and the USA, and that the UN General Assembly, which would be held in September, was in the process of preparation, as well as that would be the next focus of Serbia.  

Source: Tanjug