Minister Dacic meets with French Minister of State Boone

29. Aug 2023.
First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic had talks on the margins of the Bled Strategic Forum with Minister of State for Europe at the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs Laurence Boone.

The Serbian Foreign Minister and Minister of State Boone discussed the excellent level of bilateral relations between the two countries and the exceptional dynamics of the political dialogue. Both sides expressed the will to maintain the achieved level of overall relations and to continue with its strengthening.

The strategic partnership between Serbia and France and its importance for the further promotion of cooperation in various areas of mutual interest were highlighted in particular.

The French side once again voiced support to the European integration of Serbia, and to the process of dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina.

In the talks, the collocutors also exchanged views on all other issues and current foreign policy topics of common interest.

Photo: Tanjug