First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia Ivica Dačić for “Euronews Serbia" from Munich: Foreign representatives know what our red lines are in dialogue with Pristina

18. Feb 2023.
A Panel on the Western Balkans was held behind closed doors at the Munich Security Conference. After the Panel, the First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia Ivica Dačić spoke for the "Euronews Serbia" of how he had already stressed that Belgrade’s stand regarding the dialogue with Pristina was crystal clear.

The First Deputy Prime Minister Ivica Dačić reiterated that the President Aleksandar Vučić had already explained that there would be no further talks until the Brussels Agreement was fulfilled and that the membership of Kosovo in the international organizations was unacceptable, as was its international recognition.

Ivica Dačić explained that no polemics took place during the Panel and that not much time was left for it, but that he sent a message that Serbia wanted peace, stating that it was particularly irritating to hear everyone talk about the principle of territorial integrity while no one thought about Serbia.

As the First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia Ivica Dačić said, Christoph Heusgen, the Chairman of the Munich Security Conference who led the Panel on the Western Balkans was actually interested in the positive assessments of the European perspective.

"I am not sure that he is completely satisfied with that. As for me, I said that this was not a fresh topic and that I participated on it 10 years ago, exactly in this one and in similar conferences. I explained that I was the one who participated in a European project called the Brussels Agreement on behalf of Serbia, that Thaci and I signed the said agreement precisely under the pressure of Angela Merkel and Hillary Clinton and Catherine Ashton and the entire EU, only to wait for 11 years later to hear Kurti say that he was not interested in it at all. What kind of EU integrity are you talking about here? And what can the participants of all these talks expect if you treat the Brussels Agreement like this?" said Ivica Dačić.

Speaking about the list of participants on the Panel, the Minister Dačić explained that there were generally people from the region, but also the officials such as Miroslav Lajčak, Christian Schmidt and Stuart Peach. Participants on the part of Pristina comprised Albin Kurti, Vjosa Osmani and Donika Gervalla.

"Serbia wants to be constructive"

When asked about what the President meant when he said that Serbia had received greater understanding, the First Deputy Prime Minister Ivica Dačić said that this meant that everyone knew what it was that Serbia wanted.

"That is precisely the reason why I said that we just heard from the foreign representatives that they were familiar with our stands or some red lines, that is, the things unacceptable for us. The fact is that we believe we can talk about everything, but that the Union of Serbian Municipalities has to be formed first. That is one thing, and that cannot be argued. Second, it is known that we cannot accept what the President was talking about - membership in the international organizations, referring to the UN, because not all international organizations are the same," highlighted Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia Ivica Dačić and added that formal recognition of Kosovo was also unacceptable.

As he stated, everything else was a matter of further talks and Serbia wanted to be constructive.

"Nevertheless, we think that Kurti will never go for the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities. At the very beginning we saw the desire and pressure, listening to someone saying to us: 'Okay, why are you insisting so much that it should be now, it will happen during the implementation'. So, this was something that the President clearly said and meant - the understanding existed and even the European Council concluded that it must be fulfilled," the First Deputy Prime Minister Ivica Dačić explained.

"We try not to let anyone drag us into a crisis"

Speaking about how the war in Ukraine affected Serbia's position, Ivica Dačić said that he was present at the meeting held that day between President Vučić and Josep Borella and that "they really became very unpleasant when talking about how they were asking of Serbia to join the sanctions, that is, to adjust our foreign policy with the EU".

"It would be best for all of us if it ended as soon as possible. However, what are the expectations and predictions and is that what everyone wants? We are not sure and it does not depend on us", Ivica Dačić noted and added: "We are trying to not let anyone drag us into that crisis and that is why I think it is good that I immediately called the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Moldova and asked that their President calls President Vučić, so that we wouldn't unnecessarily create any new conflicts that really have nothing to do with us, as regards those doubts that some people from Serbia participated in the actions against the Moldovan authorities at the expense of Russia".

He says that Serbia has no intention of going to war for anyone and that it would be a serious crime, according to our local laws. "We want all conflicts to be resolved peacefully, including the one on the territory of Ukraine and we especially do not interfere in the issues of other countries," said the Minister Ivica Dačić.

Source/Photo: Euronews Serbia