First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dačić at the conference titled "Safety of Journalists: Protecting Media to Protect Democracy"

04. Nov 2022.
The speech delivered by the First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia Ivica Dačić at the conference titled "Safety of Journalists: Protecting Media to Protect Democracy”:


Ladies and gentlemen,

It was right here in Vienna, almost ten years ago, that the United Nations Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists was adopted. I take special pleasure in today’s opportunity to recapitulate the past results at this same location and draw the necessary political attention to this very important topic.

The Republic of Serbia sees the freedom of media as one of the vital segments of our national identity and democratic capacity. We are institutionally and fully committed to satisfying all conditions for smooth work and development of the journalistic profession. In this sense, at the national level, the government of Serbia has developed an appropriate Media Strategy with the aim of harmonizing with international standards in the field of public information and media. I would also like to highlight Serbian efforts to implement the 2020-2025 Strategy for the Development of Public Information System. This strategy, along with the analysis of the present situation in the field of safety of journalists, has set concrete measures and recommendations for improving the overall environment for the work of journalists and media employees.

Serbia is a member of the Global Media Freedom Coalition and it was myself personally who signed the Global Pledge on Media Freedom, on behalf of my country at a conference in London in the course of my previous mandate.

Unfortunately, all countries of the world, including Serbia, have gained unpleasant experiences concerning safety of media workers. Intimidation, attacks and even murders of journalists represent a special problem we are facing. Serbia approached this problem seriously by forming the Commission to Investigate Murders of Journalists, because it is of particular importance to us that such cases be under the special attention of the legislation and that all possible efforts are made so that they do not remain unexplained.

Bearing in mind the modern environment, we must take into account the increasingly important role of the Internet as well as the manipulation tendencies in launching accurate and true information. With this regard, we are facing huge challenges on a global level. It is especially important to note that all our reactions must be with a special sensibility and observe the balance between freedoms of expression, privacy protection and, last but not least, the safety of journalists and the public opinion as the end user of the information.

Aware of the growing significance of gender equality, we have dedicated extra energy to protecting female journalists, especially on the Internet platforms. The Government of Serbia adopted the Program for Women’s Empowerment in the Field of Information and Communication Technologies, the target group of which, in addition to schoolgirls and students, are members of the media - journalists.

Moreover, in order to provide a timely response to and suppression of all forms of intimidation, an emergency SOS line for threats and attacks on journalists has been activated and is available 24 hours a day.

Serbia attributes a special importance to the implementation of Agenda 2030 and the goals of sustainable development. We have included a wide range of factors in the preparation of strategic and action documents regarding the information and media that, in addition to relevant institutions, cover journalistic and media associations and the civil sector. Serbia highly appreciates the advisory and technical assistance and contribution of the OSCE Mission and the EU Delegation, which reflect in the engagement of international experts.

Ladies and gentlemen,

We are aware that the above results are a step forward in overcoming all challenges, as well as that it is necessary to make additional efforts on the national and international level to strengthen the integrity of the media space and the safety of all its participants. I assure you that you can count on Serbia as a reliable partner.

At the end, bearing in mind the new challenges and risks that the media space is facing, Serbia will continue to actively work on strengthening the national system of protection, monitoring and reporting when it comes to threatened rights, protection and safety of journalists, as well as participating and supporting initiatives, coalitions and partnerships in international bodies in charge of this topic.