Dačić: Membership of the so-called Kosovo in the Council of Europe will not be on the agenda of tomorrow’s meeting

18. Apr 2023.
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Ivica Dačić stated today in Strasbourg that there would be no discussion about a membership of the so-called Kosovo in the Council of Europe at the CoE session taking place the following day.

“The fact that someone is talking about this, and about the visa liberalisation, on the days that mark the 10th anniversary of the signing of the Brussels Agreement, which they have not implemented at all, shows an incredibly hypocritical and brazen attitude towards the Republic of Serbia”, said Minister Dačić in his statement to the press in Strasbourg, where he is attending the commemoration of the 20th anniversary of Serbia’s membership in the CoE. 

In his words, at this time it is unclear when and whether this matter would be on the agenda, but some countries, led by Germany, believe that this should be done urgently. 

“Only after the Community of Serb Municipalities is established, we may discuss other matters”, stated Minister Dačić, and emphasised that Pristina had undertaken to do it ten years before.

He said that talks at the highest level on the topic of establishment of the CSO were to start in May, and asked: “how can anyone suggest a membership in the Council of Europe, when talks on the first item of an agreement haven't started yet”. 

Minister Dačić emphasised that the conditions were not right for any discussion on the membership of the so-called Kosovo in the Council of Europe, and that this would be contrary to the idea that unity should be demonstrated prior to and at the Summit of the Council of Europe in Reykjavik. 

“We have stated our opinion, but whether and to which extent it will be appreciated, particularly by Germany, remains to be seen in the forthcoming period”, said Minister Dačić. 

He added that Pristina was counting on having ensured the majority in the Council of Europe, but, he emphasised, many of the countries which had recognised the independence of the so-called Kosovo believed that this was not the right time to discuss a membership in the CoE. 

“What is certain is that this would not be and cannot be at the tomorrow’s session, because it is not on the agenda and there is no prepared material for such an agenda item”, said Minister Dačić.

He added that it was possible that someone would request an additional session on that subject for another day.

“In any case, enormous pressure is being placed”, stated Minister Dačić.

Speaking about the Council of Europe’s decision that citizens of the so-called Kosovo would be granted a visa liberalisation, Minister Dačić said that it was “a shameful way to promote the message that Kosovo is allowed to, in fact, not implement anything from the agreement”.

“What a reward for someone who has been refusing to enforce the things enshrined in the Brussels Agreement! This is a very bad decision and a very bad message for the entire negotiation process and the process of normalisation”, stated Minister Dačić, highlighting that the establishment of the CSM was the first item of the Agreement.

To the journalist’s question how he viewed the signing of the Brussels Agreement now, Minister Dačić answered that, through this act, Serbia had showed that it believed that the international community was supporting the dialogue it was organising.

“The Agreement is not contrary to our national and state interests. It does not imply any kind of recognition”, stated Minister Dačić.

He stressed that the Brussels Agreement did not mention any kind of membership in international organisations, only that both parties could generally pursue their European integration.

“This Agreement introduced the option of establishing the Community of Serb Municipalities. If it was irrelevant, Albanians would have probably established it long time ago. But it is of key importance, which is why I think that we are right to say that the establishment of the CSM must be the first item on the agenda”, highlighted Minister Dačić.

Minister Dačić added that someone was in a hurry, but that Serbia was eager to avoid another deception.

“Albanians have deceived the European Union and us and the entire world. This is why we have to stop it, and why the first item on the agenda is the establishment of the Community of Serb Municipalities”, stated Minister Dačić.

Source/Photo: Tanjug