Washington: Biljana Regan Folk Costume Fashion Show

12. Dec 2022.
At the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Washington, a fashion show of folk costumes was held by Biljana Regan, founder of the "Association for the Preservation of Balkan Tradition and Culture".

The event gathered a large number of representatives of the diplomatic corps who were greeted by Ambassador Marko Đurić at the beginning of the event.

With this exhibition, Regan marked a decade of work and announced her book entitled "Once Upon a Time in Maryland".

The entire collection she owns is her private property and consists of over a hundred authentic folk costumes, jewellery and other antiques from the 19th and 20th centuries.

Representatives of the "Tesla Scientific Foundation" used this opportunity to present Ambassador Đurić with the "Tesla Spirit" Award and show him mini sculptures by sculptor Stan Watts dedicated to Nikola Tesla and the Halliard mission.